Ambient operating conditions
TFT-Farb-Touchdisplay (9", 16:9)
Frequency range
TV digital & analogue - Radio FM
Digital & analogue satellite
General characteristics
Measurement result indication
zur Organisation des Programm- und Messdatenspeichers
Measurements display / classification
100 kHz (FM), 130 kHz (TV), 4 MHz (SAT)
Measurement stability dB/°C (-10°C - 50°C)
Automatic power off via timer
Lautsprecher (0,5 W) (regelbare Lautstärke)
für Qualität oder Pegel-Indikation (wählbar)
Akustisch und über Symbol im Display
Measurement DVB-S2
ONID, NID, NIT, TSID, PMT, LCN, VPid, APid, orbit position
1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9
Measurement DVB-T
MER and BER measurement tolerances
bBER bis zu 1x10E-5; aBER bis zu 2x10E-8
Automatic recognition and display
Constellation, Guard Interval, FEC
COFDM / QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM
1/4, 19/128, 1/8, 19/256, 1/16, 1/32, 1/128
Automatic quality analysis
Noise Margin / Signal Reserve and SNR accuracy of measurement
Measurement SAT
Satellite spectrum analysis
vorprogrammiert und einfach zu nutzen. Zur Ansteuerung aller LNBs (Single- und Dual-Feed) und Multischalter
10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, FULL SAT, Satexpert
Filter measurement bandwidth
Other configurable spectrum parameters / functions
MAX HOLD (peak memory) / freeze MAX Value, SAT POINTING ideal Parameter-settings for the oreintation of an SAT-antenna
MRK measurement illustration
Noise Margin / Signal Reserve and SNR accuracy of measurement
Measurement TV analog
RF level measurement range
A/V (audio/video) ratio accuracy
Measurement TV Terrestrial
1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, FULL, VHF, UHF, 4/66
Filter measurement bandwidth
Automatic power / level position marker
für Digital-Signale im Zentrum des Trägers; für analoge Signale auf dem Video-Träger
Other configurable spectrum parameters / functions
MAX HOLD (max. Wert einfrieren)
Leakage / interference radiation measurement
Antenne und Entfernungsparameter einstellbar
Measuring DVB-C
DVB-C (Annex A, B, C), Downstream DOCSIS
Constellation diagram display
16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, 256-QAM
64-QAM > 36dB; 128-QAM > 38dB; 256-QAM > 40dB
Automatic quality analysis
Noise Margin / Signal Reserve and SNR accuracy of measurement
C/N measurement tolerance
Power supply
2 Std. (um 50 % Kapazität zu erreichen)